Palo Alto, CA

I have been involved with many volunteering and community building events at Ford Greenfield Labs. I am most excited about the Ford African Ancestry Network. As an ally and member of this ERG, I have organized community art projects for Juneteenth and MLK day. I planned and moderated a panel discussion about the experiences of Black employees of varying ages where we examined how Ford has evolved its diversity and equity practices over the years. I have also hosted sensitive subject matter workshops and planned Soul Food lunch and learns for the campus. I have mentored two students from the SJSU Black Alliance for Scientists and Engineers. All in all, the events I have organized with FAAN have been attended by 200+ Ford employees and I feel they have directly contributed to a better, more innovative, and more collaborative environment. I strongly believe that DEI efforts are important to a company’s success in the modern world.




Genetic Algorithm Blues Riffs - 2019